Showing posts with label Congress. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Congress. Show all posts

Friday, 16 February 2018

Conferencing It Up!

I'm writing this from my Grandparent's living room in Midland, Texas, USA. I arrived in the USA on the 4th of February. I've been staying at a friend's house in Dallas and also went to New Orleans for the first time and experienced my first Mardi Gras. This week I'm with my Grandparents. Next week, with my Uncle - we're doing genealogy! The weekend of the 23rd-25th, I'm going to a family reunion! Yay! It's for the descendants of my 5x Great Grandparents John Gowan and Edith Faulk. 

On the 26th of February, I fly to Salt Lake City for my second ever RootsTech (Feb 28th - Mar 3rd)! I'm so excited! I can't wait to catch up with the friends I've made through genealogy. I've been going through the schedule and selecting the classes I might like to go to - most of them revolve around DNA and American research. If you have not got the app on your phone yet, download it! It is a must! You can see your calendar/schedule of the classes you have selected. It's so easy.

It's going to be a wonderful genealogy week!

The main stage. [Photo taken by me, Feb 2015]

I'm also excited for the huge Expo Hall! Ahhhh! [Photo taken by me, Feb 2015]

But that's not all.

I arrive back in Sydney on the 7th of March. On the 8th of March, I have to check into a hotel in Sydney for the Australasian Conference on Genealogy and Heraldry (9th to 12th March). It will be my first Congress. When I tell people what Congress is, I say it's the Australian version of RootsTech.

I'm so thankful for this quiet week with my Grandparents as from next week it's going to get busy.
Genealogists do like to party!

Can't wait! Going to be so much fun!