Showing posts with label Wisemans Ferry Cemetery. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Wisemans Ferry Cemetery. Show all posts

Monday, 30 September 2013

A Hidden Cemetery.

Wiseman's Ferry Cemetery, NSW. 

A lone grave at the end of a pathway.

Wiseman’s Ferry Cemetery, NSW, Australia.
30 June 2013.

It was a forest, quite literally, but it was such fun to explore and it's so beautiful. Half of the cemetery really is hidden. It’s full of history and is where I saw my first convict grave. I had to climb up a very steep bushy hill to reach the grave in the photo below, however, the angle I took the photo at makes the ground look flat. It wasn't.

I was bursting with so much excitement that day. Is that weird? I just love cemeteries okay. And a hidden cemetery?! Now that's even better.

I spotted a grave up this steep hill.
Dad said 'Go on, you know you want to.'
Translation: Start moving!