Showing posts with label road trip. Show all posts
Showing posts with label road trip. Show all posts

Thursday, 26 June 2014

I'm going to Canberra!

I am on holidays for a month y’all! I am getting back into my much loved genealogy and figuring out which ancestors I would like to spend more time with over the next few weeks.

This Saturday I am off to Sydney for two weeks to hang out with my Aunty. During my schooling years, we went to Sydney 3 – 4 times a year. Now, it is usually one or two. I really love Sydney and know my way around the CBD better than my Dad & Aunt sometimes! My Aunty has all the family heirlooms so I imagine I will be taking some photos, recording details, and scanning while I am there.

One exciting part of my holiday is that my Aunty & I are going to Canberra for a couple of days. For my overseas genea-friends, Canberra is the capital of Australia and is where the Federal Parliament sits. The last time I went to Canberra I was 12 or 13, so I wasn’t really into history or politics then. But now I am, and I’m very excited to check it all out. The initial reason for going to Canberra is that I am going to a Criminology conference at the Australian Institute of Criminology on Friday, July 4th. As I was going to be in Sydney anyway, I was originally planning to fly to Canberra on Thursday night and fly back to Sydney after the conference or early Saturday morning. However, my Aunty suggested that we make it a road trip of sorts and spend a couple of days there exploring. We are arriving on the 3rd and leaving on the 6th. I am so keen and spent some time procrastinating before my exams by researching the places we must go. So, here is our current to-do list…

When I began my adventures in genealogy, I discovered that my Great Grandmother’s 1st Cousin’s name, Alexander Croal, is inscribed in the Roll of Honour. It is the #1 thing on our list.  

I am really keen to check out the NAA. It is where Shauna Hicks is having the launch of National Family History Month this year. After reading a recent post of hers about her visit to Canberra and the NAA, I am keen to check it out and see their current exhibition, A Place to Call Home: MigrantHostel Memories.

Shauna also recommended a bookstore called Paperchain. I love books and reading and cute little bookstores! 

and genealogy! :D

If we have time, I’d like to see the NLA and have a sticky beak at their Treasures Gallery & Canberra: Then & Now exhibition.

5. Cockington Green Gardens

A distant cousin recommended that my Aunt & I visit the Cockington Green Gardens. I had never heard of it before, but after some googling and browsing their website for a good while, we definitely have to go! It looks so cute! Their website states that it is a 'delightful and fascinating display of meticulously crafted miniature buildings set within beautifully landscape gardens.' 

Cockington Green  Gardens
[Source: Google Images]
If anyone has any other suggestions please let me know, particularly food places too as I am sure we will be eating out a lot!