Showing posts with label shipping records. Show all posts
Showing posts with label shipping records. Show all posts

Monday, 10 October 2016

An Immigration Assault Trial

I am in the process of writing about my 4x Great Grandparents John Walker and Mary Wiseman. They left England and arrived in Sydney on the ship Carthaginian on January 28, 1842. I thought I would search Trove and see if I could find any articles about the ship…and that I did!

The Hunter River Gazette reported that 243 immigrants arrived with Captain Robertson and Superintendent Dr Nelson.

SYDNEY SHIPPING. (1842, February 5).The Hunter River Gazette; and Journal of Agriculture, Commerce, Politics, and News (West Maitland, NSW : 1841 - 1842), p. 3. Retrieved October 10, 2016, from
I was surprised to discover that soon after arriving, Captain Robertson and Dr Nelson were taken to trial for assaulting female immigrant Margaret Ann Bolton during the voyage, by way of throwing buckets of water over her. Below is the beginning of a very lengthy article describing the trial and evidence, which you can read by clicking the link in the caption.

TREATMENT OF EMIGRANTS. (1842, April 19). The Australian (Sydney, NSW : 1824 - 1848), p. 2. Retrieved October 10, 2016, from
The verdict? Guilty. Captain Robertson and Dr Nelson were both sentenced to prison for six months and fined 50 pounds. I like this article published in The Sydney Herald as it assured future emigrants the possibility of obtaining compensation if they experienced ill-treatment.

ILL-TREATMENT OF IMMIGRANTS. (1842, April 23). The Sydney Herald (NSW : 1831 - 1842), p. 2. Retrieved October 10, 2016, from
I wonder if John and Mary were acquainted with Margaret Ann Bolton during the voyage and were aware of the trial? 

Tuesday, 19 January 2016

Two Families, One Ship.

Welcome to my first post for 2016! I thought I would start with something I found quite funny. I had a *facepalm* moment the other day, and discovered a fact about my family history I probably should have known a few years ago.

My Great Great Grandfather Walter Thomas Dyer (1843 - 1911) arrived in New South Wales, from England, in 1849 when he was 6 years old. He traveled with his parents Thomas and Grace, and his older siblings on the ship Emigrant, which arrived in Port Jackson (Sydney Harbor) on June 8th, 1849.

Shipping Record of Walter Thomas Dyer and four of his older siblings on the ship Emigrant. His parents are listed on the previous page.
Source: New South Wales, Australia, Assisted Immigrant Passenger Lists, 1828 - 1896, Ancestry

In 1871, Walter married my Great Great Grandmother Mary Ann Gore (1851 - 1889). Mary was born in 1851 in the Maitland area, 2 years after her parents Henry and Mary arrived in New South 1849. 

Can you see where this might be heading?

The other day I was adding sources to Henry and Mary's profiles in my tree on Ancestry. I had another look at their shipping record. Date of Arrival: June 8th, 1849. Ship: Emigrant. Me: Wait. That sounds familiar. THE DYER'S! Double checked the Dyer's shipping record. June 8th, 1849. Emigrant

Shipping Record of Henry & Mary Gore, & eldest child Elizabeth on the ship Emigrant. My 2x Great Grandmother Mary was their second child two years later.
Source: New South Wales, Australia, Assisted Immigrant Passenger Lists, 1828 - 1896, Ancestry

Yes. The Dyer's and the Gore's arrived on the same ship. I also saw that both families are listed on the same page! The Dyer's at the top. and the Gore's further down the page. That, dear readers, was my face-palming moment. When I first found the Gore's shipping record a couple of years ago, I did not even think to read the other names. 

I started laughing once the initial realization had passed. But seriously, how did I not realize this until now?

Shipping Record of the Emigrant showing both families.
Source: New South Wales, Australia, Assisted Immigrant Passenger Lists, 1828 - 1896, Ancestry

It does explain though, how my Great Great Grandparents Walter and Mary might have met. Their parents could have known each other from the ship and kept in touch upon arriving in New South Wales. It is possible. The other funny thing is, a few of Walter's older sisters married into a Brown family who also arrived on the Emigrant. 

As today is Trove Tuesday, there could not be a more perfect time to have a search on Trove for any mention of the Emigrant's arrival. I found the following two articles -

SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. (1849, June 9). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 4.
Retrieved January 19, 2016, from

HOBART TOWN. (1849, June 9). The Shipping Gazette and Sydney General Trade List (NSW : 1844 - 1860), p. 153. Retrieved January 19, 2016, from
The Dyer's and the Gore's are the only ancestors I have found that arrived on the same ship. Small world! Or should I say small ship?

Do you have any two (or more?) families in your ancestry that arrived on the same ship?